I watch you sleep, as I know mine evades me. I listen to your peaceful breath, as you’re lost in sweet dreams. I see your little toes curled up, and know that when I finely drift to sleep, they’ll find their way to my ribs.

Your little hands, fallen open in your deep sleep, will find their way to my face. Your instinct is to be near to me, even as you sleep. You nuzzle your way into my neck, placing your body as close to me as possible.

I should sleep, but I’ll watch you just awhile longer. Such is the life of a mama. Tomorrow I’ll drink my copious amounts of coffee to make up for the late night, but I’ll do it with a joyful heart. Too soon the day will come when you won’t need me as close. When you don’t need me to tickle your back to put you to sleep, or sing you a lullaby as I twirl your curls in my fingers. Too soon the day will come when I can’t cradle you on my chest, as I let my lips rest gently on your forehead. Too soon the day will come. So I will sleep in a little while.