To the tired farm wife:

I see you standing at your sink, head bowed in exhaustion. I see your aching heart, filled with loneliness. I see the tears fall and the sadness that tries to turn into bitterness and anger.

The days of a farm wife are long, and the days of harvest are even longer.

You miss your husband, and while he spends countless hours on the combine, you put in the same hours at home. You try to keep your attitude positive in this season, but as the days drag on you wear thin. You’re tired. Rightfully so.

But oh, sister, I also see you taking this season in stride. I see you pushing through and pulling yourself up by the bootstraps. I see you in whatever your role looks like, with grace and gumption. Whether you’re in the kitchen preparing field meals, or you’re also spending those hours in the combine, or you’re at home holding down the fort. Your role is so important.

I know you’re lonely.

I know you’re tired.

I know that it feels like these days will never end.

I know that it feels like you can’t do this much longer.

I know that the hour of buddy seat time doesn’t feel like enough.

But I also know that this season doesn’t last forever.

I know that you can lean into Jesus in this time and let him be your comfort. I know that you can use this time to be strengthened by Him in your weakness.

So to the tired farm wife, I see you, and I am you.


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