To the mama that woke up struggling this morning… you’re not alone.
You woke up out of sorts and just feeling “off” and are already frustrated with the day. I’m praying for you, because I’m here with you.

You may feel alone in your struggles, but oh mama, you’re anything but. You might feel like no one sees that you’re exhausted, overwhelmed, and that as much as you love your little humans, sometimes you need a minute. You’re frustrated that you feel this way and you can’t seem to get it together.

But oh mama, I promise you aren’t alone. Because all over the world, there are mama’s who feel just like you. They also feel unseen, unheard, and weary. Their hearts are tired they feel like have to constantly have it pulled together. But they also feel alone.

So how do we stop this funk from ruining our whole day? Go hide somewhere for 5 minutes, friend. Lock yourself in your bathroom if you have to, but go tell God what He already knows. Tell Him your heart just isn’t in it today. Tell Him you need some help. Take a minute and just breathe, momma. Stop and smell the flowers, take a sip of coffee before it’s lukewarm, and know we can tackle this day. You’ve got this!


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