The comparison game started early this morning. It’s a trap I fall so easily into. A constant battle. I’m so used to examining myself against those around me, that I normally don’t notice until it is all-consuming.

She’s prettier than me.

They’re better than me.

They have more money than me.

They have more friends than me.

They don’t even have to try to be funny.

She cooks the best meals for her family.

She is such a patient mom to her children.

I’ll never be as good.

Any of those sound familiar? Because I would bet that you deal with comparison, also. Most of us do.

But this morning I looked over and saw the one and only bloom on this bush in my flower bed. It bloomed even though it was the only one. It didn’t care about what the ones around it were doing, it just did what it was meant to do, when it was meant to do it. It wasn’t too afraid to bloom even though no one else was.

the trap of comparison

If you struggle with the comparison trap too, then let’s look to Jesus together today, shall we? Comparison is ugly, and it will eat us alive if we let it.

But here is the truth:

God made you for a purpose, whatever that may be. The God of the universe made you, and He made you unique. He doesn’t want you to be just like that person that you keep comparing yourself to. He wants you to keep your eyes on Him, and to strive to be more like Him. No one else.

So today let’s choose to bloom right where we are, right how God made us. He knew what He was doing when He made you, and we can rest in that truth.

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