I shuffled through the still house while the sun was still trying to peek over the horizon. I popped the lid of the keurig down and willed it to brew my coffee faster. As I wandered around the house, I felt an empty feeling in my heart, almost a restlessness. I felt the urge to take action, but didn’t know where. My heart was restless.

I scrolled through Facebook, but that didn’t work. I started to clean the house, but that didn’t work either. I stared out my window to the cattle grazing in the pasture and asked God why I was starting my day with this feeling of empty. Why was I feeling overwhelmed, right out of the gate? I felt Him whisper “because you’re trying to start the day without me”. I was out of my routine, and I quickly forgot that my heart

Normally, I’ll get up and sit on the porch with a cup of coffee and read my bible before anyone else is awake. When I get those precious minutes in, it makes my whole day better. But this morning my routine was thrown off and I skipped that alone time with God.

And it made me feel empty. I had a gaping hole in my heart that I couldn’t fill myself. There’s only one thing that can fill that hole in our hearts, and it’s not Facebook, our friends, or even our family. There’s a space in our heart that only God can fill, and this morning I was reminded what it feels like to have that empty feeling creep back in. It is so easy for us to try to fill that void in our life with earthly things. Most of the time we don’t even realize that we are doing it. We just chalk it up to busy, stressful lives, and forget that we haven’t taken intentional time to spend in prayer and bible study. But oh friend, it makes all the difference.

So friend, I pray that this week, you will find some space in your morning to spend in God’s presence. I pray that you would have those precious moments, and that you would feel his peace surrounding you. I pray that you would bring Him your heart, your worries, your blessings, and your week ahead. I pray that you would fill that restlessness with the only One who could truly satisfy that void.

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