Motherhood will turn you every which way you could imagine.

You’ll feel more emotions in a day than you ever cared to feel.

You can go from thankfulness, to pulling your unwashed hair out, in 3 seconds flat.

You will do things you said you would never do, and your children will do things you said your child would never do.

You will be humbled, embarrassed, sweaty, unsure, and thankful.

You will wonder how so much love could fit in your heart, and then you will be smacked in the face with a sippy cup

You will be tired for next million years, and you won’t love every minute of being a mother.

That’s normal, and you’re still a good mom.

You’ll cry tears of joy, and you’ll cry tears of sadness and frustration.

You will google more than you ever knew someone could google.

Motherhood will be more than you could ever imagine, and nothing you could have ever dreamed. It will break you down and build you back up, over and over again.