It happens when I try to pray or study, it happens when I’m in the shower, or playing with my kids, or in the middle of a conversation, or any time in between.

Old sins, old hurts, brokenness. You name it, and the enemy tries to plant it in my head to stop me in my tracks. He wants me distracted by these thoughts long enough to start wrapping the chains back around me that I’ve already been freed from. When we’re distracted, we are less likely to see those attacks coming, and we more easily fall into the trap.

And sometimes, I don’t give it a second thought. Because grace, redemption, and mercy cover all of those things I listed above. They don’t stand a chance. I brush them off and I remember who I am in Christ.

But when I’m distracted, I catch myself falling into the trap, thoughts spiraling downward out of control. Anxiety rises, breath quickens, and my heart pounds with the beat of the thoughts racing through my head. I step into the snare that has been laid for me, and I start to believe the lies.

But I remind myself of the truth. And let me remind you also, sweet friend.

Hebrews 10:17 “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.”

Friends, take heart this morning that if God isn’t dwelling on our pasts, you can bet He doesn’t want us dwelling on them either. When those thoughts try to sneak in, you remember this verse and you remember the God who loves you enough to forget your failures.

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