God made me a farmer’s wife. He placed me in this role for a purpose, and it matters. And wherever you are, your role matters, too.

Growing up, I never dreamed I would marry a farmer. I never imagined a life so full of hard work, and dedication, and uncertainty.
I never knew how much this life could shape and strengthen me.
I never thought I would know how to run a combine, doctor a calf, cook a lasagna for a crew of sixteen people, or pull a forty-foot trailer.
Never did think I could feel the crushing weight of that calf not making it, the anticipation of a long prayed for rain in the forecast, or the overwhelming joy from a bountiful harvest.

I knew all those years ago that I had fallen in love with a farmer, but I didn’t know how hard I could fall for the farm too.

Most days my role is the cooking and cleaning and the refereeing of children. But some days it’s running a combine, or working cattle, or making parts runs. Some days it looks like both.
Some days I do both and forget to take my apron off before running outside to lend a helping hand.
But what I do know, is that my role is important and it’s where God has placed me. I also know that whatever your role may look like, that it is important too. Your days might not look like mine, but they matter and they make a difference.
The work you do as a mother, wife, and Christian, is so important. Whether you spend your days on a farm or in the heart of the city, we have that in common. Me and you were put in our roles for a purpose, and we can rejoice that God’s plans for us are greater than our own. We can strive to be content in where we are at. We can find joy in our days.
Even if our lives don’t look like we thought they would, we can know that just might be the best thing that has ever happened to us.

Whatever your role looks like

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