Oh happy day!!

Our LAST day in the hospital! I feel like I could put an exclamation point after every sentence of this post I’m so excited! But I’ll try to contain myself. 😉

The doctors made their rounds early and decided to try taking off the oxygen again. They seemed more confident since she did so well through the night and her lungs were sounding more clear. The requirements to go home were that she had to go six hours without oxygen and at least two of those had to be while she was sleeping good.

She kept us on our toes because she stayed riggggghhhtttt on the line of not needing to have it put back on. She would drop below the line but brought herself back up within a minute, allowing us to keep the oxygen off.

The doctor came back in around noon and said she was doing well enough we could go home! Yay!!

Of course, I got up and got us all packed and ready to go, and then it was hurry up and wait. It took about 4 hours for them to get all of the paperwork done and get her IV out. I was so antsy, ready to get out of there and get my girl home!

I’m so thankful for the care that we received there, and the amazing staff that took amazing care of us. I never felt like they weren’t listening to our concerns, or rushed to get out of our room.

I didn’t realize just how sick Finley had been, until the nurse who checked us in came back to see us before we left. She told me that Finley is what they called a “compromising baby”. Her vitals never looked completely awful because her body was working so hard to keep them up. She said that those are the babies that scare them the most because in an instant they go from holding their own, to just being done fighting from being so exhausted. They moved us to the PICU just in time, because she didn’t think Finley’s body could work that hard to breathe for much longer.

Looking back, I’m glad I didn’t know how bad it really was while we were there. I don’t think I would’ve handled it as well. But I have to say, that with as much as my heart was broken that week, I’ve never felt Jesus so real. I was scared and heartbroken for my baby, but I also had a sense of peace that I couldn’t explain. Like a calm that washed over me in my darkest times. I know what they mean when they say He is closest in the storms.

I had a lot of time to think and pray, and I felt God telling me so many things and just plain speaking to my heart so clearly. I’m thankful for that.

It’s so good to be back at home with all three of my babies, and getting things back to normal.

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