A marriage grows sweeter with time when it’s kindled and cherished.

But marriage is a funny thing.

When we first fall in love, we gush to our girlfriends about the things we love about him. The way he makes you laugh, the way he can effortlessly lift you off your feet and into a bear hug, and the way his butt looks in those jeans.

On our wedding day, we innocently and sweetly think we could never love them more.

Then the newness wears off and the love requires more of a choice, no longer being just a feeling.

We mature together and slowly learn how the other ticks.

And before you know it, you’ve been doing this thing called “life” together for awhile, and you look back to your wedding day and laugh at the memory of that thought. Because while that love might not be as exciting and new as it once was, no one told you how much sweeter it can get with time, and how deep it’s roots can grow.

That now, while you still love those first things about him, it doesn’t compare to the things that make your heart flutter now.

Like the way he scoops up your babies to read them a book, how he kneels with them at night to pray, and how when you’ve had all you can take for the day, he’ll run you a bubble bath while he puts the kids to bed.

While in the midst of this stage of raising little people, and in the late nights and long days, hold onto that sweet love.

It might look a little different than when you were in those exciting first months, but now it’s so much deeper and precious. Now you’ve seen each other in those low moments where you never wanted another human to see you.

You’ve weathered some storms together and made it through. You’ve got the real fairytale love, even if it doesn’t always feel like it in this exhausting phase of life. It’s a good love, and now you know that marriage grows sweeter with time.
