This weekend there was a women’s conference in another church in our town. It was actually a church from Wichita hosting it for their women, but I knew one of the women putting it on and she in in invited me to come.

That’s not something I would normally do. I’m pretty introverted, and to go into a group of 60 women, 59 of whom I’ve never met, is something I would hard pass on. But I kept feeling this whisper in my heart that there wasn’t a question I would end up there.

She told me I could sneak in late [which is great because I strolled in about 18 hours after it started]. I could feel the amazing atmosphere as soon as I walked in. I was greeted by so many welcoming, gracious women who had never even met me. I felt like I was walking into a huge room of friends.

So you might be thinking “Okay, Caitlin. What’s the point?”

Well, remember that little whisper telling me to go do something out of my comfort zone. That was a God whisper, and I promise you’ll never regret being obedient to those.

You see, there was a woman there who had no idea who I was. She came up to me and told me possibly the most beautiful thing that anyone’s ever said to me. She told me what God had shown her about me and it was so spot on and affirmative that I was reduced to a puddle of tears. I only got to attend this conference for a few hours, but it was an indescribably powerful evening, and totally filled with the Holy Spirit.

I am so, so very thankful I listened to that whisper, or I would have missed out on a life changing blessing. Friend, the next time you feel that little tug on your heart that just won’t let up, do yourself a favor and listen to it. I hate to think of all the blessings I have missed because I wasn’t obedient. Sometimes the enemies lies try to drown out those God whispers, and it’s easy to let them be what is heard. I could loudly hear all of the reasons why I shouldn’t go. But with all of those lies swarming in my head, I knew that little whisper in my heart was there for a reason. I know it can be hard to step out of your comfort zone when God is asking you to do something. I totally get it. But I promise that it will always, always be worth it.


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