Time flies when you’re having fun, and we have had a fun couple of weeks around here!

First, Grady had his first eye dr. visit. It resulted in reading glasses for him and a couple of tears for momma. I knew it was coming (Jake and I both have terrible eyes) but I wasn’t expecting it this soon. He looks pretty adorable in his Ray-Bans though, and he even keeps them on pretty well!



Porter went from crawling to speed crawling and is now pulling up on everything he can. He is in the “Mommy, don’t you dare set me down or get out of my sight” phase which is fun. Papa gave him his first ride down the slide at our family reunion this weekend. I’m not sure who enjoyed it more. 😉



I can’t believe it, but our baby started preschool on Tuesday! His expression in this picture just kills me. Despite the look on his face, he really was excited for school. He had a great first day and absolutely loves school. I’m sure that won’t last forever so I’m loving hearing about everything he is learning. The first thing he told me he learned was about “Jesus and God”. I am SO thankful to be able to send him to a Christian preschool that helps instill that in him early and makes it a top priority.


imagePorter also got to try a teething biscuit the other day and devoured it. I can’t believe how fast he is growing!



Sunday night we made our way over to the rodeo and watched our hired man ride a bull!


We have been going to the farm and getting in some riding time. It had been awhile and Grady was glad to be back on his horses.

I’m so glad that it’s supposed to be nice this weekend. We are ready for fall and all of the activities that come with it!