It's Okay If Good Friday Feels Heavy

Yes, Sunday is coming.

Yes, Jesus has risen.

But today is still Friday.

Today feels heavy, and full of sorrow.

This morning I wept as I read my Bible. I read of the crown of thorns, the beatings, the disgrace, and the crucifixion. Tears stained the pages as I read of all He endured. Because of me.

Yes, Sunday is coming, but it’s still Friday.

Today I feel a deep sense of gratefulness that cannot be explained. I feel incredibly loved by my father in Heaven that He would allow His Son to die for me. I feel deeply loved by Jesus that He was willing to endure a cross for my sake.

Today I feel such joy knowing that Jesus defeated death. Satan thought he had won, but Jesus would be the one to have the final word.

Yet in the midst of my grateful, joyful heart, there is sorrow.

There is a deep grief and weight in my soul today.

Sunday is coming, but it’s still Friday.

Why should I feel such sorrow when I know the ending of the story?
Why should my soul feel burdened when I know that He rose?

Because grief and joy are allowed to co-mingle.

We are allowed to feel the severity of our sin, while feeling thankful for the cross.

And I believe we should feel that weight.

We should take a long, hard look at our sins, the ones that nailed Him to the tree. And as we open our eyes to those things, we should see them for exactly what they are.

And that guilt and grief that we feel, we don’t have to wallow in it, but we can allow it to bring a deep conviction to turn from those ways.

We can allow it to bring us back to our knees at the foot of the cross with a fresh perspective and raw heart.

We can be thankful that Sunday is coming, while acknowledging it’s still Friday.

Good Friday