I have stayed off of social media as much as possible the last two days because I have had enough. What I have seen has made me absolutely sick. It is an abomination and the exact opposite of what God has intended. It is ruining this country and turning people against each other. Honestly it is downright disgusting. You probably think I am talking about the Supreme Court’s ruling to allow gay marriage in all 50 states, right? Wrong. I’m talking about the absolute hate spewing that is going on. The sad truth is that most of what I have seen has been from “Christians”. And we are the ones that are supposed to know better.
Seriously, people? Please stop calling yourself a Christian in once sentence, and then blasting hate and obscenities in the next. This is why Christians are so hated. We have given ourselves a terrible name and those of us who truly do apply the bible to our lives are taking the blame also. Putting the entire topic aside and speaking in general of what you do or do not agree with; hate is the opposite of what you should be showing. Jesus never once used hate to reach people, and he has never once called us to use hate either. Jesus showed no hate to the woman caught in the act of adultery in John 8, even when he told her to go and sin no more. He didn’t congratulate her on her adultery, but he told her the truth with love.
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. John 15:12
That’s pretty simple. Jesus loved each one of us enough to hang on the cross for us. That’s an incredible amount of love and we are supposed to show that same love to everyone, not just people we agree with. If you are truly a Christian, then your goal should be to bring people to Christ. You won’t do that by ramming profanities and hatred down their throat. You are no better than the people you disagree with, just as I am no better than you. We all sin and the bible tells us that all sins are equal. Don’t hate someone because they sin differently than you, show them the same amount of love that Jesus showed you when he died for you.
I’m so glad I stumbled onto your blog! It’s wonderful to meet a fellow Kansan blogger! Keep writing!!!
Thanks! Nice to meet you and read your blog as well!
Spewing hate is one thing…but speaking the truth, in love, is another.
I wholeheartedly agree that hatred words will do little, if anything, to change an unsaved person’s heart.
However, I commend my Christian brothers & sisters who lovingly have been sharing the biblical point of view on gay marriage. Many of them have been called hateful & spiteful names themselves, ‘unfriended’ and told they were bigots….that too, on top of the state of Christianity in North America, broke my heart 🙁
Rachael @ Diamonds in the Rough