Hard is hard.
We tend to downplay our struggles instead of working through them, because we know there is always someone out there that has it worse. And there is. But that doesn’t make our hard, less hard.

My hard right now is the loneliness of being married to a farmer. That while I wouldn’t change this way of life, it’s still hard to be 16 hours away from him, while I’m home for weeks on end taking care of all the kids and animals here.

While we signed up for this life, and I’m proud of how hard he works to take care of us, the loneliness is hard.
It’s hard to not have him here to lean on. It’s hard to touch the cold screen of my phone, instead the warmth of his hands. It’s hard to have an empty spot in our bed at night.

And don’t get me wrong, I am so thankful that these are temporary things, and I know that we will be just fine. I know there are people right now wishing that they had my problems.

But friends, hard is still hard. You don’t have to avoid your struggle because you know that someone else has it worse. All that will do is create hardness in our hearts.
It’s okay to admit that what you’re going through isn’t easy. It’s okay to struggle with a situation you’re facing. It’s okay to not always be okay.