Yesterday I let an old wound be opened back up. It made me bitter, angry, and sad. It took over my emotions and put me in a funk for my evening. It hurt.

But this morning I opened my bible to Micah 7:19 “You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.”

Do you know how comforting that verse is? He will AGAIN have compassion on us. Time and time again. He takes away the condemnation of sin’s guilt. Goodness, that is love.

See, we’re going to fall short, we’re human. We’re going to let things affect us that shouldn’t. We’re going to get hurt and we’re going to have moments of loneliness, bitterness, and shame. But we don’t have to stay there.
This morning let’s climb out of that hurt and into the light of grace. Because our iniquities are already cast into the sea.