When Jake came walking through the door at 5 last night I thought it was my lucky day! Then he said “Wake me up at 8.” Hmm. I was hoping I could have been wrong but I assumed that meant we were both in for a long night. When he comes home for an evening nap it means he is going to try to pull an all-nighter. I hate those for multiple reasons.

1. I’m a worrier. Therefore I picture every scenario that could go wrong and end up checking in several times to make sure he didn’t fall asleep and drive the tractor off of a cliff. I don’t think there are many cliffs around here, but still a valid worry.

2. I can’t sleep. If by chance I do fall asleep while he is still at work, I will wake up every 30 minutes in a panic thinking he is in a ditch somewhere. So then I have to call him and have the same conversation multiple times to put my mind at ease. It goes something like; “Are you still on the tractor?” Then Jake usually replies with “Still on the tractor.” Then I fall back asleep and repeat until he’s home.

3. We’re grumpy. The next morning is never fun for either of us after an all-nighter. Very little sleep and hyper children make it hard to be peppy and lovey. And I like to be peppy and lovey. Just ask my husband.

I may not like the occasional all-nighter, but I know Jake doesn’t either. While he tries to stay awake going around and around, I get to have a quiet evening cleaning house, catching up on my bible study, painting my toes, and eating snicker doodle bars. If I didn’t worry about him I would probably look forward to these nights. But I don’t imagine that will happen anytime soon.