A bad day doesn’t make you a bad mother.

I know how it goes, mama.

You yelled more than you wanted today.

Your words were sharp as they left your mouth.

The remorse was instant, but you were exhausted and defeated.

You added up your failures from today alone, and your mind went right to that thought.

“Am I a bad mom?”

“Why can’t I be more gentle?”

“Why can’t I be more patient?”

“Why can’t I be more loving?”

I know how it goes.

But a bad day doesn’t make you a bad mother.

A thousand bad days doesn’t make you a bad mother.

You are your toughest critic, and your child is your biggest fan.

Those two do not compare.

You are counting your losses while your children have already forgiven and forgotten.

Don’t believe the lie that this bad day makes you a bad mother.