

It’s so easy to forget this verse when it seems like we are in a “winter” season. When everything seems to be going wrong and you wallow in your self-pity. You take for granted how good you really have it and shake your fist at God for giving you such a rough life. Oh but if we only knew how good we truly have it.

Our problems are shallow. So, so shallow. The combine broke down, the wheat is sad at best, and just what else could go wrong. Then God somehow sends a little reminder of our oh so blessed life. A child battling cancer, the wars in this world, or someone who can’t even feed their family, and I have the audacity to be angry about a simple breakdown.

The combine will get fixed, crop insurance is a blessing, and things will be fine. How could we ever enjoy the springtime without going through the winter? I truly believe that God allows hard times in our lives so that we can lean on him and grow that relationship stronger.

I know this is so much easier said than done, and I’m normally the first one to hop on that pity train. But it’s something I am continually working on and hope that if you are in a “winter” you can lean on God and grow in your walk to get you to the springtime. God wants us to prosper, but that doesn’t mean life will always be perfect. There will always be some hard times but we never have to face those alone.

So as we start today I will pray for an optimistic heart and sound machinery. And even if things don’t go as planned today, it will be alright.