The Henderson household had quite the night tonight. It was nothing crazy, but a lot of little events lumped together to make for a fun evening at home.
Porter decided to pull himself up since he started crawling this week too. He turned 7 months on Monday and my heart completely melts for that sweet boy. He is a complete momma’s boy and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
Yesterday Grady got to spend the entire day with Jake. He had an absolute blast! I heard that at one point while on the tractor Jake told him “Grady, you can take a nap if you want.” In true Grady fashion he responded with “That’s okay daddy, you take a nap and I’ll drive the tractor.” Part of their day was spent rescuing four tiny kittens out of the bed of the wheat truck. Last night when we were putting the kittens up we asked Grady what he wanted to name them. He picked out their names and was set on keeping them exactly how he wanted them. So we are now the proud kitty parents to Daddy Jintoe, Mommy Boot Jeans, George Baseball Bat, and Shower Curtain. We are going to laugh about this forever.
We also have a weed patch in our yard where we tore out a tree row… 3 years ago. So much to my pleasant surprise today was the day I said goodbye to the giant eyesore in our yard. I’m sure our neighbors are also thanking us. I walked outside to see my husband in the 4-wheel drive tractor discing my yard. And it made me happy. That is such a random thing to walk out and see, but it made me laugh and we got a kick out of it. I can’t wait to have a pretty yard with grass growing instead of pig weeds!
Jake decided he was going to go ahead and burn off the field by our house tonight since the wind calmed down. We went outside for a few minutes and Grady was chasing Jake until his battery got weak and wouldn’t push him up the hill. Daddy gave him a boost and got him on his way so they could finish their race. Jake got to work burning and we watched from the living room window before bedtime.
All of these were just little random things, but I guess them all happening in the same evening just made for a perfect ending to the day. So now the boys are asleep and I am kicked back catching up on some work waiting for Jake to get inside. I’m Blessed.