Faith, Farming, and Family is a rich, story-filled walk through farmhouse hallways, harvest-ready fields, and God’s bountiful dreams for our lives. As Caitlin reflects on everything from wayward tractors to watching a marriage grow from surviving to flourishing, she reminds us to see the redemption in our own stories.
Join Caitlin in exploring biblical truth through the eyes of a farmer’s wife, whether you are wrangling kids onto a school bus, sowing creative seeds in a business meeting, or walking the pastures of your own family farm.

Faith, Farming, and Family invites us to recognize God’s beauty right in front of us so that we might find the courage to take the next step—or the first step—into His incredible calling.


Why Faith, Farming, and Family will teach you to cultivate hope and harvest joy wherever you are.


I believe that God's word is perfect and alive, and you'll find that truth within each page. While I share the stories from our farm in each chapter, I also pull the Biblical lesson out of the story and beautifully intertwine it with scripture. You will be filled with hope and encouragement as I lean in and share with you some of my most vulnerable moments, heartfelt encouragement, and valuable lessons learned.




Chances are that you don't live on a farm, and I'm sure that because of that, you'll love this book even more as you read the crazy, enthralling stories from this way of life. Even if you're in the heart of the city, these universal lessons and truths apply to each one of us striving to draw nearer to God.


Our families are pulled in a million directions by obligations and to-do lists that seem to never end. I teach you how to savor the simple moments wherever you are. I share about how our family went from (barely) surviving, to (mostly) thriving, and the biggest actions and scriptures that changed the way I view my roles as wife and mother.


Caitlin Henderson
I’m an author, speaker, and woman on a mission. I want to impact the Kingdom of God, but I don’t want to do it alone. I’m here to encourage you and speak truth into your life so that we can start a domino effect that goes on for generations of women boldly going where God calls. So friend, I’m going to metaphorically grab your hand and look you in the eyes and ask you a question. Do you believe God wants to use you for His glory? (He does) Then sis, let’s go!

I’m also the wife of a farmer, the mama to three little farm kids, and I spend my days striving to let people see God in my story.

Tell your story.

If you stick around, I’m going to encourage you to be bold and brave. I’m going to be that friend that cheers you on but also gives you a kick in the pants when you need it. Because God put YOU on this earth for a purpose, and nothing breaks my heart like seeing people not live out that purpose.

There’s a million reasons: fear, comparison, unworthiness, and so many other reasons hold you back.

No more, okay friend?